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UI components and their use cases - Alerts and notifications

Alerts and notifications keep users informed about system status, updates, or important messages. They can be in the form of banners, pop-ups, toasts, or modals.

Wed Jun 14 2023  /  Shubham Chopade
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2 mins read


Banners are UI components that are typically placed at the top or bottom of a webpage or application. They are used to convey important information, system alerts, or updates to users. Banners are often used to notify users about maintenance periods, privacy policy updates, or new features. They are visually distinct and attention-grabbing, usually using contrasting colors or animations to stand out. Banners should be placed strategically to ensure they are noticeable but not obtrusive, allowing users to continue their tasks uninterrupted. They may include a call to action (CTA) button to provide users with a clear next step, such as dismissing the banner or accessing more information.


Pop-ups, also known as modal windows, are UI components that appear on top of the main content, temporarily blocking interaction with the underlying interface. Pop-ups are commonly used to display critical messages, important announcements, or requests for user input. They are more intrusive than banners as they require user action to dismiss or proceed. Pop-ups should be used sparingly and only for essential information to avoid frustrating users. They can provide users with options such as confirming an action, subscribing to a newsletter, or presenting terms and conditions. Pop-ups should have clear close buttons or alternative dismissal methods to ensure users can easily close them if desired.


Toasts, also referred to as snackbars or notifications, are temporary UI components that appear as small notifications near the edge of the screen. They provide users with non-intrusive feedback or alerts without disrupting their current activities. Toasts are typically used to confirm the completion of an action, inform users about successful updates, or display error messages. They are designed to be subtle and unobtrusive, often fading in and out or sliding into view before automatically disappearing. Toasts should be concise, easily scannable, and not obstruct important content or actions on the screen.

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Modals, also known as dialogs or popovers, are UI components that overlay the main content and require user interaction to proceed. They are used for presenting detailed information, capturing user input, or displaying additional options related to a specific task or context. Modals typically darken or blur the background content to draw focus to the modal itself. They are commonly used for activities like editing user profiles, confirming deletion, or displaying detailed product descriptions. Modals should provide a clear title, relevant content, and actionable buttons to guide users through the interaction. It's important to ensure modals are easy to close or dismiss, allowing users to return to their previous context seamlessly.